Thursday, January 4, 2007
To the Cruz Family: My deepest empathy to you and your Family. I say empathy because I know how it feels to lose a young Loved one. As you know my cousin Ricardo Castillo Jr., from down the street, passed aways last year and it was the hardest time of our lives. Ramon was my boyfriend for about a month or so and he was nothing but nice to me. He was the sweetest and had nothing but nice things to say about his father. Ramon would always tell me that he loved his father and that one day when he had his own son he would the best dad in the world just like his dad was to him.Ramon and I had came up with names for our children for when we were older I guess you can say it was pretty serious and the name that we stuck to was Jeremiah Lee Cruz and for that reason that is going to be my first son's name. Thank you for sharing your son's joy with me and letting him be a part of my life. God needed him more than we did.