Tuesday, January 25, 2011
My Tia was a very special lady that was full of life and joy. My Tia had a contagious laughter and joy added with an awesome sense of humor. She spoke to everyone and had friends every where. Her first love was definitely Jesus!! She loved her family and church family but her life was her precious "DEBBIE"!! The gratitude and love that she had for her daughter and family was great. She always spoke with great pride of her daughter and family of how blessed she was to have them caring for her. I thank God for the life that I got to share with my Tia and for the many stories that she shared with me through out the years every time I called her. Most of her stories were repetitious, but I didn't care because I knew that they were great stories that brought her happiness. So to all of her friends I just want to say thank you for being a good friend to my Tia and for always praying over her, she loved you all and cared for you deeply. ~ Debbie, My Tia was always so proud of how your life has been blessed. She loved you more than she loved herself and she always shared with me her gratefulness of you and your husband. You now have an angel watching over you and your family. ~I love you Debbie, your Cousin Nilda and Family?